Kazakhstan became the world leader in the sale of new cars

Kazakhstan became the world leader in the sale of new cars

In August 2022, the growth in sales of new cars in the Republic of Kazakhstan increased by 25.4% compared to August 2021.

11.4 thousand pieces of equipment found their owners at once. Chevrolet (3.9 thousand cars) and Hyundai (2.2 thousand) are leading in terms of sales, accounting for 53.3% of all new cars sold.

At the same time, there has been a positive shift in the global market after a long period of falling sales. In August, 6.9 million new cars were sold – 18% more than a year earlier.

China demonstrates the most serious growth: there sales increased by 46% to 2.6 million cars sold in August.

The growth is due to deferred consumer demand due to quarantine restrictions in the country, as well as the launch of new government support measures aimed at electric vehicles, sales of which have doubled, analysts say.

Also, growth was recorded in Brazil and Argentina (22%), Italy (9.9%), Spain (9.1%), USA (3.9%), France (3.8%), Germany (3%), UK (1.2%) and South Korea (0.2%). It should be noted that in relative terms, sales growth in Kazakhstan exceeds the performance of all the listed countries.

Meanwhile, in Japan and Canada, new car sales were down 8.7% and 12.9%, respectively, compared to August 2021. Sales fell the most in Russia – by 62.4% compared to August 2021 – and amounted to only 41.7 thousand new cars.

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